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Goducate Academy starts STAR Sundays

APIIS (Asia Pacific Institute of International Studies)- Goducate Academy held its first ever STAR Sunday Celebration on October 31, 2021. The aims of the celebration are to:

Show video presentations of what children have learned in one month;

• give thanks for what the program has given to the children and their families;

Appreciate parents’ efforts through awarding them certificates, rosettes, and appreciation videos made by the teachers.

Recharge parents so that they can continue helping to educate their children.

The theme was based on Philippines’ Department of Education’s emphasis on the United Nations, so our teachers asked learners from Kindergarten and Rev Up classes to dress up in the national dress of a country of their choice. Parents were asked to take videos of the children saying something in the native language of the country they chose to represent. We compiled and edited the videos received, to produce four videos, one from the Kindergarten class and three from the Rev Up classes.

The 1 hour and 30 minute virtual celebration was packed full with an overview of the United Nations, video presentations, giving of awards, and a message from the Founder of APIIS and Goducate. In his message, the Founder, Dr. Paul Choo, recounted his own experience of home-schooling his children decades ago. He pointed out that a child’s academic excellence, performance, and even character are directly related to the relationship the child has with his or her parents. Building of such relationships is what Goducate Academy’s home-centric education hopes to achieve.

One of the highlights of the celebration was the prize-giving. Traditionally, teachers or instructors are the ones who hand out the awards to the learners, but during this celebration both the children and the parents were the stars. The school gave awards to children who did well, but it was the parents who picked the awards from what had been shown to them. In addition, parent-and-child pairs received appreciation in the form of rosettes and certificates presented electronically.

Finally, several parents were asked to talk about their experiences and expectations at the closing of the virtual celebration. One mother said, “My child has been through a lot, she experienced discrimination in school back then, she never had a good school but we’re really happy because my child changed a lot entering Goducate. She’s always excited in the class now, unlike before. She changed drastically.”

This Star Sunday Celebration will be held every last Sunday of the month, the aim being to bring out the best in every child and to empower the parents in every family.

*Our guest writer is Pamela Kaye Dingal, APIIS-Goducate Academy, Instructional Technology Support.


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