The Covid-19 pandemic meant that Goducate resorts could not open for large physical events, so one of the container vans that used to provide dormitory-type accommodation has been transformed into a Technical Assistance Center (or Communications Center) for the Philippines National Police (PNP) Squad Weekly Interactive Zoom meetings. Such meetings are held for police in 17 regions, 81 provinces, and 1,488 municipalities of the Philippines. The program ministers to 3,734 PNP personnel every week.
Squad Weekly Interactive Meetings (SWIM) is a PNP program that aims to help uniformed PNP personnel to experience transformation in their personal lives, in their family lives, and in their careers, and these changes are part of the PNP Chief’s internal-cleansing policy.
During SWIM’s one hour-and-a-half Zoom program, PNP personnel can share their thanksgiving, their reflections about the topic under discussion, and their hearts’ desires after listening to the topic for the week. They then split up to go into breakout rooms, where life coaches facilitate further discussion.
Helping in this weekly “squadding” are Goducate staff, Goducate scholars, 795 Life Coaches from all over the Philippines and other volunteers.
NOW: a Technical Assistance Center for PNP
*Jucel Ronie Arceo is the person in charge of the SWIM program.