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We educate and motivate the children of Asia to fulfill their potential and purpose in life by bringing together a refreshed perspective, innovative thinking and a collaborative mindset.

We build communities of support and seed nurturing attitudes to enable and encourage the people we have helped to pay it forward to others. This is accomplished through our various projects, such as feeding programs, study hubs, livelihood skills lessons, moral/religious lessons and scholarships, to name a few.


what makes us different as an NPO?

Instead of providing short-term charitable handouts, we work with the communities, with the main goal to help them help themselves.


To accomplish this, we collaborate with the locals, enlisting and training them in ways that will enable them to be self-sufficient and equipped for the future.

We have found that this approach allows us to stay sustainable in our work, allowing us to channel necessary funding in other additional initiatives to support the wider community.


Quality Education in a safe and inclusion environment for every child.

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Collaborating, supporting, and training the communities in ways that will enable them to be self-sufficient and equipped for the future.

A healthy body, mind and soul for every Child

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An environment with access to clean water and proper sanitation for every child and their families.

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